Thursday 9 December 2021

my tunnel writing

i found secrets from the book tunnel look for some here is link to book click!!!

Wednesday 8 December 2021

my Paragraph writing

There would be others like them swooping down taking out our men we hid under cars and away from the zombies and dragons but it is hard to survive with two enemies but they weren’t friends either dragons were gliding around and swooping down eating soldiers and Zombies i'm fine with them eating the Zombies but our soldiers never our men ran and ran we were in the city then we moved to the forest we got to the forest in 6 days then there was a clearing we decided not go there because we would most definitely be dead by a second we made huts and houses in the forest using the planks and material from the abandoned city we had guns locked and loaded spares to usually when we were hungry we would send squads out to get food and none ever died the limit of people that were in the squads would be 13 there 65 of us all together but it wasn't enough to fight 5000 dragons and zombies it had been 8 months the limit on Zombies were going down it went down to 90 we were having a great time everyone on the planet left to a new planet and left us without knowing we were not on the ship to the planet htrae its earth spelled backwards now we were to live here for the rest of our lives hoping that they would realize we were not on the ship we are t stay here

Tuesday 7 December 2021

my NASA art

 hi guys today i went on summer learning journey and painted on this image this is not the actual image al this i what i painted link to NASA art coloring book 

Thursday 2 December 2021

m aboriginal art

 this my aboriginal art i did we were supposed to do warm colors and cool colors have yo done art like this? 

Tuesday 30 November 2021

my war story also we needed to use interesting sentence starters and words

Day 3: The Edge of the World

We embarked on a journey across the ocean.

Me and my 6000 soldiers embarked on a journey across the ocean in big boats small boats and huge boats im kahuna we were all ready to reach the edge of the world we reached the sinking statues that were once alive but lost their cores in battle they tried to stop sinister people from getting the emerald of light the emerald light is a emerald that brings light rare things like diamondz crystals and this item is so bright if you look really close it blinds you we had the emerald and it was our duty to return it when we were in war once we won a man shot someone when he did he found the emerald he got back to the bunkers where i was and showed it to me now we take it back once we passed the sinking statues our ships shook like there was a earthquake my men stood their ground then slowly a big mutant snake raised from the deep deep water my mouth opens boomer my loyal soldier yells “fire!!” My two other loyal soldiers specter and Jester yell “open fire” another loyal soldier killjoy runs up to me and says “commander we must abort mission” before i say anything the snake attacks Alpha29 and crushes them with its spiky tail with scales alright we need to get support in on this send in the chopper reinforcements the chopper gets here and starts firing at the snake we all go around the snake me and some amount of other men stare at the sinking boat and the snake devouring the survivors finally we make it we enter a cave and find a rock carved with the shape of an emerald we place it in the shape We accomplished our mission!

Monday 22 November 2021

my titipounamu writing

 <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="299" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Friday 19 November 2021

my wassily kandinsky art on piskel


my Wassily kandinsky art

 hey guys this is my art for today i used paint witch is pretty obvious 

Tuesday 10 August 2021

my Olympic games stuff

hey blogger this is my Olympic stuff Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa during the Ryukyu Dynasty period. It spread throughout Japan during the 1920s and then worldwide following World War II. It is predominantly a striking, kicking and punching art. A karate practitioner is called a karateka.

Karate's quest to secure a place on the Olympic programme dates back to the 1970s. 

Friday 6 August 2021

the present

 hey bloggers  this is my writing this week i wrote about a animation i saw last year and my class has been writing about it to enjoy.

I'm playing my xbox360 as i'm ready to scope someone in call of duty, my mom comes barging thru the door, i sigh and mumble to myself oh great. She tells me she is home like I'm an idiot. She plops a box onto the table and says open it. I open it excitedly, I stare and yell yuuuuuuuuus. A puppy But then I noticed three legs. I chucked the dog on the floor. Ps (plus) I quickly named the dog before I knew it had three legs! I called him chop hey and don't laugh either anyways let's get back to the story, let's get to chop’s point of view ahem chop here anyway let’s go. As he chuck’s me I flip on my back and look at a red ball that was in the dark box with me but must have rolled out. I try to grab it and bump into a cabinet and give it to the boy jimmie.

And he kicks it and I sprint to it and roll over in the box but isdc (i still don't care) i crab the ball and bring it to him. He laughs and grabs some crutches. I'm surprised we went outside and played at the end. 

and here is my planing.
Sentence 1
One summer morning there was a boy immuned to his game. 
Sentence 2
His mom comes home with a box.
Sentence 3
The boy opens the box and is amazed to see a puppy but notices that it only has three legs.
Sentence 4
He kicks the dog away and grunts 
Sentence 5
The boy starts to laugh at the dog with a good feeling.
Sentence 6
(how characters have changed)
The boy plays outside with the puppy telling his mom they'll be outside 

Friday 9 July 2021

Thursday 8 July 2021

my matariki stuff

Hey my fabulous blogers  this is my matariki stuff 

wairaka legend retell

The legend of Wairaka

Many centuries ago there was the Ngati awa tribe sailing on a waka. There was a girl daughter of chief toroa. The waka stopped at a beach and the men hopped off to see if there were any predators.

Suddenly there was a raging storm  rock.rock.rock the waka rocked powerfully the waka drifted to the left side nearly capsizing the women were screaming and crying the children were shouting what’s happening suddenly huge waves were splashing the waka Wairaka knew she had to do something 

The storm was as big as a giant moving like Tangaroa in the sea  

Wairaka saw a paddle she knew it was tapu/sacred to touch a paddle but grabbed it anyway she called to her ancestors and said kia Whakatane au i ahau meaning let me act like a man 

with one mighty push Wairaka and her tribe are pulled to shore they yeet themselves off the waka and drop to their knees they sigh in relief finally we made it Wairaka says 

The tribe decided to stay at the beach for many years they did and when you go to the very same beach where she saved her tribe you will see a statue of Wairaka there are many other stories but those are for next time THE END

Hey bloggers i have been learning about the legend wairaka and writing about it. here it is. have you ever heard of the legend Wairaka? enjoy.

Thursday 1 July 2021

quality blog post

 Hello fellow bloggers  this is my quality blog post 

Tuesday 22 June 2021

my digital footprint stuff

today i learnt well not really that you leave footprints on sites like words enjoy

Friday 18 June 2021

Friday 16 April 2021

Thursday 15 April 2021

Thursday 8 April 2021

Wednesday 10 March 2021

maths of my body


i hated measuring the string around my body parts but i was ok with measuring the ruler and stuff thats all.