Thursday 8 July 2021

wairaka legend retell

The legend of Wairaka

Many centuries ago there was the Ngati awa tribe sailing on a waka. There was a girl daughter of chief toroa. The waka stopped at a beach and the men hopped off to see if there were any predators.

Suddenly there was a raging storm  rock.rock.rock the waka rocked powerfully the waka drifted to the left side nearly capsizing the women were screaming and crying the children were shouting what’s happening suddenly huge waves were splashing the waka Wairaka knew she had to do something 

The storm was as big as a giant moving like Tangaroa in the sea  

Wairaka saw a paddle she knew it was tapu/sacred to touch a paddle but grabbed it anyway she called to her ancestors and said kia Whakatane au i ahau meaning let me act like a man 

with one mighty push Wairaka and her tribe are pulled to shore they yeet themselves off the waka and drop to their knees they sigh in relief finally we made it Wairaka says 

The tribe decided to stay at the beach for many years they did and when you go to the very same beach where she saved her tribe you will see a statue of Wairaka there are many other stories but those are for next time THE END

Hey bloggers i have been learning about the legend wairaka and writing about it. here it is. have you ever heard of the legend Wairaka? enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Tasman
    Today I've been linked up with you and I decided
    To comment on this post.I really like you post you've added nice detail in the retell and was it challenging to retell wairaka saves the waka?
    Blog you later


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